
A selection of my favorite projects to showcase my skills and knowledge.
Take a look and, if interested, contact me!
Star Wars Fetcher - Laptop View
Star Wars Fetcher - Mobile View
Star Wars Fetcher - Tablet View

Star Wars Fetcher

  • react
  • sass
  • jest
  • cypress
  • The app was created as a code challenge of nata.house. It calculates how many ressuply stops a starship from the Star Wars universe should do based on a distance provided by the user.

    The code challenge was meant to be done in 2 days, so in this project I've learned more about how to better manage my time coding, planning and organizing the application. Besides that, I've also learned more about how to find and manipulate data from external APIs, how to deal with different time measures and how to better organize a React app.

    This was the first deployed project that I coded with automatized tests. While coding, I followed the TDD approach. The tests were done with Jest, RTL and Cypress.

    Ateliê da Adri - Home
    Ateliê da Adri - Catalógo
    Ateliê da Adri - Produtos

    Ateliê da Adri

  • sass
  • react
  • nextjs
  • netlify
  • A catalog site created with React, NextJS and NetllifyCMS.

    In this project I've learned how to work with SSG, headless CMSs, the structure and language behind markdown content and configuration of a YML file. I also understood more about how react behave on some unconvetional structures (learning how to get the dynamic page URL to filter a product was fun!) and what is possible to achieve without a backend to hold the ground for the application.

    XPBot - Icon
    XPBot - XP Update
    XPBot - Show Chars
    XPBot - XP All Levels


    Discord Bot created with NodeJS and MongoDB to keep track of the experience points in D&D5e games. The bot can be customized to other rpg systems as well.

    In this project I've learned more about the interaction between MongoDB Atlas and NodeJS, how to use the object-oriented dependency called discordjs (which enables us to create the bot in discord) and how to operate with files using NodeJS.

    The application has a command handler and a bunch of commands that can be customized to any RPG system. I'm using this bot with my rpg group and it is working great. Before using the bot, we had problems tracking XP and wasted time dealing with a lot of calculations in the middle of the game, this is a clean and helpful solution.

    DevConnector - Landing, Posts, Profiles
    DevConnector - Posts
    DevConnector - Dashboard
    DevConnector - Create Profile
    DevConnector - Profile


    This is a MERN stack application from the "MERN Stack Front To Back" course, taught by Brad Traversy. It is a social network app that includes authentication, profiles and forum posts.

    With this project (and the whole course), I've learned more about how to create a functional backend structure for a project and how to integrate the backend and frontend of the application. It was my first contact with SASS and the first theme that I build using it. I also learned a lot about React: how hooks work, how to implement a Redux environment (even if I think it was not necessary in this app, it was good to have a basic understanding of what redux can do) and increased my knowledge in the MERN stack.

    Setting up the authentication of the site was fun and gave me a lot of knowledge about some caveats of NodeJS, MongoDB and JWT auth.